Last night saw Forest get soundly beaten by Arsenal. A team
featuring a mix of youth and promising youngster mixed with £75 mill or so
worth of talent. That’s a hellishly large amount of money.
Where I sit mainly
contains regular for every game, we rarely get people coming for a single
match, so yesterday with so many “day trippers” in town really was an eye
Make no mistakes
here I value what such a game like this can bring. For one revenue. Secondly it
brings some fans who may not have been for a long time, and it could rekindle
the passion. It could inspire first timers to want to come more. For any of
those I have no complaints or qualms. I’d rather a busier crowd be there, a
louder vocal crowd. For every person asking who “number 22” is, or the woman I
heard asking what are the white seats in the Trent End all about, do they spell
something? Maybe they will come again, this could be the catalyst. No it’s more
the element who have used this game to moan.
I’m trying to
avoid that whole, they won’t be here next week, and they can bugger off
approach. Because I think a good number of those extra bums on seats last night
are welcome, but it just seems that sizeable minority were there for
questionable motives. Purely there not to support Forest, not to get behind the
team, but to revel in a projected hope of a momentous win.
I have a view that
may be controversial, but if you left at 70 mins as some did, you can frankly
just not bother again. You aren’t a “fan” or “supporter.” Where’s the support
in fucking off 20 mins before the end? And I know some will cite work,
long trips, kids, but let’s face it, had it been Forest winning or the score a
draw you wouldn’t have left, so just because you don’t like how your one off
day trip is going, stick around and support the bloody team. Don’t just be here
to revel in a big win to say “I was there” or to bask in glory. Football is all
about the rough with the smooth. If you don’t like the team losing, don’t go in
the first place. Because defeats, especially to Premier League clubs, happen.
It’s a fact of football.
To see anyone bemoaning losing to Arsenal is ridiculous and just
shows that these fans that only come to big games have no real sense of what is
happening. People were bemoaning Montanier, and I’ve seen numerous comments
suggesting he isn’t up to the task. In fact others who clearly haven’t done any
research saying the jobs too big for him, despite him managing in top tier
clubs in Spain and France. Basically swathes of fans that only go to big games
are ignorant fuckwits.
I had a bloke who sat in front of me and my friend. I’d never seen
him before but he was negative and ridiculous from the get go. It’s this kind
of person who for me makes match days unbearable. Negative soul destroyers who
suck the fun out of football. Most regulars this season will have enjoyed games
so far, so to suddenly encounter people possibly seeing us for the first time bemoaning
the team and the set up was disheartening.
Then there are
half and half scarves. I can understand them in say European games if you have
gone away as a memento of a rare game. But for a run of the mill league Cup
game? No, a game in your own country shouldn’t ever see half and half scarves.
As I said above about day trippers, these are completely indicative of that,
people wanting to savour their one day out with a big souvenir.
I wanted Tuesday to be a big Forest celebration. Not only a
nice win, but also a celebration of how the club feels fun again. Instead all
we got was a load of people angry we weren’t able to beat one the biggest clubs
in the world. Sigh
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