
Well today I have been quite surprised to read of the latest gossip surrounding the City Ground. We can't go a few days without bad news, or some kind of gossip doing the rounds.

The latest rumour is that of a transfer embargo being placed on the club. This is where any kind of clarity ends. Quite what the details of any such embargo if there is one are completely unknown right now.

The rumour has come about due to John Percy ad his never ending campaign of hatred against Fawaz tweeting that there would be bad news ahead for Forest of what he had heard was correct.

But another source on Twitter has been suggesting it may be in an in house embargo placed by Fawaz whilst some investigations are carried out. It seems that some in the "previous management structure" was fiddling the books and was on the take, taking some kind of commission on transfers and that Fawaz has imposed a strict ban on Transfers for the time being whilst this is looked at. This what bought about all the sackings before. 

This again is all conjecture and comes from one person. If it was a higher level FA style embargo then you’d think that something would have been in the news about it by now as these are usually fairly well published. And it’s not as if it you can sign players under these arrangements but with expressed permission. Like Watford and Portsmouth before.

Furthermore as has been pointed out, the news from last week about the new improved status for the Academy of now being second tier status, this would not be achieved if the club were in financial peril as their finances of the club are also considered in this process.

All in all it’s led to a lot of guesswork by people, and it may be like many of the rumours before that go round that have zero grounding whatsoever. Maybe Natalie Jackson just fancies some Gulf sun and is hoping to go interview Fawaz and his cars again in Kuwait. Or may be its all bitter ex employees leaking information to rock the boat. And many journo's lap up that information because they don’t get a lot from Fawaz. It just seems people still want this regime to fail, and are delighted when any news comes out about the club that’s bad news, I mean look at the Bridgford End saga.

No it is all still unclear what’s happening, but it leads a lot speculation and chatter on Twitter. People like a good gossip. 
