Apparently all was not as it seemed Tuesday when they report there was a double injury in the warm-up. A somewhat of a mild cover up has tried to disguise that there was a fight pre match which saw Anderson and Tudgay ruled out, not strains picked up.
The full detail are unclear, and some of this is based on information gleamed from non official sources, but I have seen this from unrelated sources with offers a level of credence to this.
Tudgay and Anderson had a dust up, for reasons unclear at this moment, and meant that both had to be pulled from the line up, which saw Findley introduced.
Now it might be a bit clearer why Cotterill was talking in riddles after the match when asked about the dressing room and Findleys introduction. At first it seemed like Findleys inclusion is what had cause Cotterills "I know what I know comment" about dressing room harmony, but now it is more the disarray causing Findleys introduction rather than because of as first thought.
Anderson was still missing Saturday and Tudgay was back in the team, which may well speak volumes.
It also reveals an alarming fracture in dressing room spirit previously unknown. And not with any of the new players earning more money. No it's players here before hand having fisticuffs.
It would go a little to explain the lacklustre display, well perhaps a little as the effect on morale was palpable.
Could this have been the reason why Tudgay wasn't played by Davies.. wonder whether he is the aggressor and maybe happened before. This could explain why his re-introduction to the team this season might have caused issues with some playing staff.