Seems almost at times with Forest that the kneejerk reaction is always looking to the past to solve today’s issue. The same names from the clubs past always got connected when the club change manager.
And now we are harking back to players from the past with the news Marlon Harewood is training with the squad. Yeah hardly cutting edge news but at the end of the news reporting on this, but I felt I had to add my views to the mix.
Marlon Harewoods arrival back at the training ground isn’t surprising. Often players returning from short spells overseas often return to train with their former club, or within a locale they lived in. The news however was leaked and the fans, desperate for some kind of talisman in what is becoming a very tough season, jumped at it.
Yes, Marlon was an integral part of what is potentially the best side this club has seen since probably 1998.Furthermore because it was a largely home-grown squad. Not for a while had a striker played with the direction and power that Harewood had, which complemented David Johnson rather well. The best strike force we had since Campbell and van Hooijdonk.
But this forgets the hugely frustrating player he could be on days. Not in the way that Moussi can be. On his day Harewood was unplayable, the lies of our current crop of frustrating players makes them unplayable in terms of we don't want them to be playing. Harewood was a wonderful focal point.
Yeah he also scored for fun that season with West Ham, scoring his big move to Villa, whereby he became a bit part player, Villa fans on the 24-7 forums mocked and vilified (no pun intended) him. He became a mocked player. And then he drifted further down the leagues before ending up at Blackpool who were trying to sign any striker in the country.
It speaks volumes he had to go and play in the Chinese second division. It is really not any standard of football. The Chinese league is known for a start for results of games being known days ahead of the match, corruption is so rife. Additionally there were 3 foreign players and then Chinese second division players. Chinese payers are hardly household names anyway, never mind second division players, not even exports. SO the standard (I contend I haven’t seen any though when I was China a couple of years back I did want to)
So if he was the answer, then why has no-one snapped him up, why did he have to go to China? I concede in interviews he did mention the money was very good. But really, I am sure he would rather have taken the same money and stayed within the country.
I would like to be proved wrong, but there is the fact we would also have to offload players to sign him due to the wage constraints. I think there are far better options out there we could look at. A young hungry Premier League youngster. Not a faded player trying to recreate former glories gone by.
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