So We Get To Find Out If We Are Moving

In a little less than two hours FIFA will have finally ended this highly drawn out process of posturing to get enough votes to be able to host the World Cup. As part of this we find out if the shiny new stadium will be built for us.
Now I for one think a big new stadium would be good. City Ground is starting to get old and there is only so much we can do with the place. People talk about the history and the memories but nostalgia just holds things back. Arsenal had great history at their ground, but at the end of the day look at what a new place is doing for them financially in the long term. Same with Manchester City. Yes most of these stadiums lack the character and charm of the old skool Stadia that dotted the land, with distinguishable stands which had distinguishable character, but crowds have changed and the customer is a more discerning one now.
Therefore we need something state of the art. Some parts of the Main Stand feel like something out of the dark ages, and many of the toilets even in newer stands feel pokey and constrained when you compare with with the like of what we met at Manchester City.
So I for one really hope we get the World Cup and a big new no doubt corporately branded arean to move to. the City Ground has been a wonderful home, but everyone at some stage has to move house.
