Forest 24-7 returns

Well hi there
Forest 24-7 are returning to the world wide web!!!
Although before hand we were a news site, this time round we will forego trying to report the news and be a blog site, giving views on the club, whether irreverent or serious.
From 2004 to 2006 we reported the news the the world for Forest, up until a hacker attack did too much damage to the site to carry on.
Now we are back!
The blog site will be our views on football. Over the years independent sites have proliferated on the web. This mean much competition for reporting the news. Also its too hard to compete with the big sites here for scoops. Too many sites resort to making up the news (you know who you are) which is something we want to avoid and also stamp out. Making up news merely to get a few extra hits completely removes your reliability and your reputation.

So if you are interested in writing for us let me know via or tell us on the forum at
