Forest Goal Stats

Goal Stats

Forest Goals

The following are graphs detailing some details of who has scored Forest goals, where the assist are from, and a number of cross tabulations of scorers and or methods. Right now at the early stage of the season they look rather, well restricted and we haven't published some of what we have in the works till theres more goals to report.

We have two layers of data, simple and complex. Simple are straight forward counts, the complex are the cross tabs, which we hope in time will show a greater insight into where goals are coming from.

For now we are keeping it to all goals, but if anyone likes I have just the League figures ready to go. Please leave your feedback.

This is just the first batch, we are expanding these as we score more goals with more methods and assist types the data will expand. We have the capability to drill down easily on certain types of goals, scorers, assists, competition etc. basically anything you can think of. it will be all encompassing.

This is somewhat a data dump, we will in analysis on these further from time to time on the main page. We will also do individual player analysis too

Click graph for larger version
